Aromatherapy at Home [from Province Apothecary]

Aromatherapy is a versatile healing modality that can be easily incorporated in your daily life. Essential oils have so many benefits to our health and wellbeing, and there are numerous ways of incorporating them into our home lives. Today I am sharing an article from the Province Apothecary team that highlights the benefits of a number of essential oils and they have also shared 3 methods for enjoying aromatherapy at home. 

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Earth Day Bath, Beauty + Body Products Round-Up

Celebrate Earth Day by going green and clean with your bath, beauty and body products!  I have 3 simple tips to help get you started. I also have you covered from head to toe with a round-up of bath, beauty and body products that I love and trust. All of these products are both "clean" and "cruelty-free" in the truest sense. I have also included a couple of beauty tips, like how to oil pull and dry brush too! 

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